Dessert Night

A happy heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
                                                                                                                                          Proverbs 17:22

I'm still feeling filled up! While the physical satisfaction from some good food, good dessert and good wine is long gone, my heart is happy, my spirit joyful. Why?

Dessert night.

It's easy. Invite a few friends, everyone brings a dessert. Kids play, friends chat. I can't believe I haven't been doing this for years. Our circuit of pastors and families is great. We have a Christmas party and a summer picnic, but it just isn't enough for me. We have friends and gatherings, but I need time with people who get where I'm coming from, to hear that they are struggling with the same things at their churches or at least have struggles with their churches. It's a time to say, "I love this life, but it's hard." And, "It's not just me?! I'm not the only one!" 

The thing is, I kept waiting for other people to create this kind of gathering. I spent time mumbling to my husband that we didn't get together enough, assuming everyone's life was too busy. I was intimidated by the prospect of cleaning my house enough, so that I wouldn't panic when people walked in. And making up scenarios where there were toys everywhere and I had stacks of dishes on my counters for days. 

And then, life happened and I simply needed people. 
The isolation couldn't go on any longer. So I sent a group text, and told a few couples to bring a dessert. Do you know what happened? They showed up. And I realized something - that was my biggest fear. That no one would show up. That's why it took me 10 years to invite my fellow workers over with any kind of regularity. Deep down I didn't want one more rejection, one more too busy, but here's the truth - it's worth it. It's worth the risk for connection and growth and life together. 

After one evening with these friends, I was filled up and ready for life. Ready to reach out and continue to fill up others. You will be too, I promise. Isolation is a tool of Satan to tell us we're all alone in this journey, that no one understands. 
But I guarantee that someone does. That's how God created it to be.

So... dessert night, bonfire night, grilled cheese night, Uno night. I don't care what it is- just do it. :) Open your calendar, your home, your willingness for God to create community for you. This risk is worth it. It is His medicine for a happy heart.

What kind of night (or afternoon!) would you or do you host? Does your circuit or group of friends hold any special gatherings to connect?

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