Let's Be Real - The benefit of weakness and vulnerability

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

These are some of the most encouraging words in Scripture for many people. The verse touches on two very difficult problems in the human heart:
     1) We are weak
     2) We are sometimes so weak, we can not even pray.

Weakness as a church worker or the spouse of a church worker can be difficult to handle, even for the most “real” of people. Sometimes we feel pressure to keep it together, to be strong for others, or to power through even when we feel weak. The reality is that these verses apply to us also. What are your weaknesses? How does God want to shine through them? Can we let Him? Perhaps these weaknesses, whether in character, or skill, or struggle, help us cling to God and His Spirit in a way we wouldn’t without them. Our people see this, our families see this, and God is glorified.

What about the groanings? The Spirit stands in our stead, crying out to God. Mere words do not suffice sometimes. This also leads us and others to look beyond. This place without words, when we can not reach in our deepest part and come up with something to say, to others or to God, allows God’s strength and not our own to shine through. It causes us and others to look beyond this earthly life, waiting, longing for something more, something better. And isn’t that our work, anyway, to be mere vehicles of God’s Spirit, whether in evident power or by groanings in struggle.

Sometimes we are called to be a Joshua, ready for battle. God’s strength in us, appears just like that- strength, full and brave. At other times, God asks us to be Moses, arms obviously tired and worn, being held up by the Spirit and those around us. 

Identify a time in your life when God worked through the struggle to show you or others Himself and His Spirit. Do you lend toward covering your weaknesses or being transparent with your family and church so they can see through you to God? May God fill you will His Spirit in times of strength and times of weakness. His Spirit never lets go.