Day Two - Our
friend Ulysses and desperation
There is this song on Christian radio that I am just not a fan of. I tried. I really did. I tend to be pretty
flexible about types of music. I don’t have really critical opinions
about lyrics. I try to put the best perspective on each artist’s work. But
every time this song came on, it grated on my nerves so much, that I had to
turn the station.
It sounds harsh
and critical, so I’m not even going to tell you the song, but the chorus
repeats over and over again, “I’m overwhelmed…I’m overwhelmed by You.”
I turned to Dave during a Saturday afternoon drive and said, “I figured it out. I don’t want to be
overwhelmed. That song may work for some people, but life already feels pretty
overwhelming to me most days, and I don’t want to be overwhelmed by anything or
anyone else. And I’m not sure that’s even a good character description of God.”
Dave, who had limited previous interest in my struggle with the song fully
supported my contemplations, as a good and caring husband, with a “Hmmmm…that’s
good you figured it out. So, about that hockey game…” ;)
You may feel like
Dave, a little disinterested in Heidi’s rant about a random song, but I think
Solomon might cozy up to the table for a cup of coffee and a contemplative
discussion. He tells us in Ecclesiastes 2:20-23:
“So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor
under the sun. For a person may labor with wisdom, knowledge and skill,
and then they must leave all they own to another who has not toiled for it.
This too is meaningless and a great misfortune. What do people get for all the
toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? All their days their work is grief and
pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless.”
Solomon was clearly overwhelmed. He tells us his “heart
despaired over all the toil.” The toil of life can get to us, it’s completely
normal and in the coming days we’ll talk about how it is often “seasonal.”
But to some degree, the struggle and the toil of life just
is. It always will be. It will not go away. We can let the anxiety build and
become overwhelmed. We can experience depression and we certainly need to seek
help in lifting us from the darkness, but I don’t believe Solomon was dealing
with clinical chemical imbalance depression.
was dealing with realization. He discovered that life is struggle. Period.
And that is overwhelming.
Many of us can relate. As we become adults, we begin
to feel the often-crushing weight of life and it’s burdens. We have all joy in
Christ, and still wonder how in the world we missed how difficult it all was
the first 21 years of our life.
Luther’s take on this was so interesting to me and so
exceptionally put, that I had to share it:
“Consider the labors of Hercules, the monsters whom Ulysses
and others had to overcome, the bear, the lion, and the Goliath with whom David
had to contend. Any who are ignorant of this art will eventually grow weary.”
You see, when we are ignorant of the struggle of life, we
collapse when we are faced with it. And often times the struggle is a daily
Children die, captive to poverty and malnutrition, slavery is
still alive and well in our world, miscarriages and cancer steal loved ones
from us. The struggle is real, even on good and wonderful mountaintop days. We are left realizing that the grass does in
fact wither and flowers do in fact fade, life itself is a chasing after the
wind where no legacy we strive for or ambition we attempt is enough to leave a
true mark.
But again, with
God, our perspective changes. The struggle isn’t less, but we can sit in it,
live it, watch it swirl around us and not be overwhelmed. The struggle is where
we can share the message and see His grace and mercy and salvation. We can live
life and live it to the full, not weighed down but lifted up in Him.
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in
2 Corinthians 12:9
The thief
comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10
Thank you,
Father! Thank you for struggle and mercy and daily provision. Thank you for Your
gentle love and Your perfect justice. To You, O Lord, we lift up our days, our
families, and our work. Tend to us with Your care and help us to shine You in
all we do. In Jesus precious name, Amen.
When in your life
did you first become aware that there were struggles?
When you were
young what person or people helped you to process the difficult things in the
world around you?
Can you think of
any moments that you were able to help someone else through a struggle (large
or small!)?
Heart verse:
I perceived that what God does endures forever
Ecclesiastes 3:14a
Labels: desperation, Ecclesiastes, struggle, wrestling