Smelly, sweaty prayers

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.                                                  Psalm 141:2

In our house, one of my favorite things to spot is this giant bag sitting in front of my washing machine. It's black and red and huge! I lean down and slowly unzip the zipper and wait for the smell. What wafts up at me? 

Sweaty, smelly, little boy scent.

I'll admit it. I'm a sucker for that smell. I'll wash those gross hockey sweat infested clothes for years on end, if he'll let me. To me that scent represents so much more than just a gross boy who needs a shower. It smells like hard work, determination, commitment, and doing something with your whole heart, something he loves, and in which he finds unadulterated joy. 

Now, I'm not sports obsessed. Nor am I a laundry slave to my 10 year old. :) But here's the connection-

I think that God is a little like me opening the sweaty smelly laundry bag, when we offer our prayers up to Him. Lately God has gotten not just my prayers, but my blotchy, red face, heart's cry prayers. He's gotten my bottom of the pit, arms raised, seeking rescue prayers. He's gotten my broken heart, life crashing down around me prayers. He's gotten my frightened small voice in the middle of the night prayers. 

It gives me comfort to know that, to Him, these prayers are a beautiful thing, like incense rising before Him…the sweet, sweaty smell of my precious, difficult, sojourning life on this planet. He collects my tears in an bottle. He calls my struggle "good", when I can not. Then He turns it into something better than good.

Sister, what sweaty work have you been doing? What determined struggle do you see in your own life? From parenting wee ones and big ones, slogging through the work of grief, finding two more dollars to be able to make the utility bills, caregiving for a beloved aged member of the congregation, serving in a role that you don't love, to loving those who seem unlovable. That's all sweaty work. 

And He loves our sweaty prayers. 
Pour it out to Him. He's listening.

*Here's my sweaty, smelly, precious hockey player. He's equally embarrassed and loves it when I pray over him before each hockey game. :)